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Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford

(b. 1711, England – d. Oct. 14, 1790, Park Street, Mayfair, London )

Gender: F

Mary Catherine Knollys, nĂ©e Law, was born in approximately 1711 to John Law (1671–1729) and Katherine Knollys (d.1748). The location of her birth is not known, as her father, the noted financier, travelled in France, Italy, Scotland, and the Netherlands from 1702 to 1714, a period which contained his initial liaison with her mother in approximately 1708. Mary married (1734) her cousin Major William Knollys, Viscount Wallingford (1694–1740), in Calais. An acquaintance of the Bullstrode circle centring on Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, Mary and Elizabeth Montagu corresponded between 1739 and 1747, in both English and French. She died at her London home on Park Street, Grosvernor Square on 14 October 1790.

Also known as:

  • Mary Catherine Knollys
  • Viscountess Wallingford


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Mentioned in 11 letters

Recipient of 18 letters

Showing transcribed and un-transcribed letters | show transcribed only

Title Sent Received EMCO ID
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 67
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 68
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 24/6/0 69
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/1/0 70
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/8/0 71
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 1/11/0 72
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 73
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 14/11/0 74
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 75
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 76
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 77
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford 0/0/0 78
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford July 28, 1738 166
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford Feb. 21, 1741 323
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford Sept. 11, 1745 483
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford Oct. 20, 1745 618
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford Dec. 24, 1745 628
Letter from Elizabeth Montagu to Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford Sept. 16, 1746 647

Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.

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